For your information, “Personal information” is any information that can be used by itself to uniquely identify, contact, or locate a person, or can be used with information available from other sources to uniquely identify an individual. For the purpose of this policy, sensitive personal data or information has been considered as a part of personal information.

Centum does collect your personal information for a variety of regulatory and business purposes. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Verify your identity
  • Complete transactions effectively and bill for products & services
  • Respond to your request for service or assistance
  • Perform market analysis, market research, business and operational analysis
  • Provide, maintain and improve our products & services
  • Anticipate and resolve issues & concerns with our products & services
  • Promote and market our products & services which we consider may be of interest to you and may benefit you
  • Ensure adherence to legal & regulatory requirements for prevention & detection of frauds & crimes.

Centum’s Privacy Policy is designed and developed to address the privacy and security of your personal information provided to us. This Privacy Policy describes the personal information which we may collect and provides our approach towards handling or dealing with the same. The policy is designed to make you understand:

Kinds of personal information that may be collected by us
Measures taken by us to ensure its privacy and security
Duration for which when it may be retained by us; and
How you may access and control its use

Collection of Personal Information

Centum, its associates, subsidiaries and authorized third parties, if any, will collect information pertaining to your identity, demographics, and related evidentiary documentation. For the purposes of this document, a ‘Third Party’ is a service provider who associates with Centum and is involved in handling, managing, storing, processing, protecting and transmitting information of Centum. This definition also includes all sub- contractors, consultants and/or representatives of the Third party.
We may also collect your personal information when you use our services or websites or otherwise interact with us during the course of our relationship. Personal information collected and held by us may include your name, father’s name, mother’s name, spouse’s name, date of birth, current and previous addresses, telephone number, mobile phone number, email address, occupation and information contained in the documents used as proof of identity and proof of address. Centum and its authorized third parties may collect, store, process Sensitive Personal Information. This information may be used to provide you with a better service experience along with evidentiary purposes. At any time while you are surfing our site, if you do not wish to share surfing information, you may opt out of receiving the cookies from our site by making appropriate changes to your browser privacy settings. In case you do not provide your information or consent for usage of personal information or later on withdraw your consent for usage of the personal information so collected, Centum reserves the right to not provide the services or to withdraw the services for which the said information was sought.

  • Internal Use: As explained in the section “Collection of Personal Information” Centum and its employees may utilize some or all available personal information for internal assessments, measures, operations and related activities.
  • Authorized Third Parties: Centum may at its discretion employ, contract or include third parties (as defined in section 1: Collection of personal information) external to itself for strategic, tactical and operational purposes. Such agencies though external to Centum, will always be entities which are covered by contractual agreements. These agreements in turn include Centum’s guidelines to the management, treatment and secrecy of personal information.
  • We may transfer your personal information or other information collected, stored, processed by us to any other entity or organization located in India or outside India only in case it is ecessary for providing services to you or if you have consented (at the time of collection of information) to the same. This may also include sharing of aggregated information with them in order for them to understand our environment and consequently, provide you with better services. While sharing your personal information with third parties, adequate measures shall be taken to ensure that reasonable security practices are followed at the third party.
  • We may obtain your consent for sharing your personal information in several ways, such as in writing, online, through “click-through” agreements; orally, including through interactive voice response; or when your consent is part of the terms and conditions pursuant to which we provide you service. We, however assure you that Centum does not disclose your personal information to unaffiliated third parties (parties outside centum corporate network and its Strategic and Business Partners) which could lead to invasion of your privacy.
  • Government Agencies: We may also share your personal information with Government agencies or other authorized law enforcement agencies (LEAs) mandated under law to obtain such information for the purpose of verification of identity or for prevention, detection, investigation including but not limited to cyber incidents, prosecution, and punishment of offences.

Security Practices and Procedures

  • We adopt reasonable security practices and procedures, in line with international ISO standards, to include, technical, operational, managerial and physical security controls in order to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, or disclosure while it is under our control.
  • Our security practices and procedures limit access to personal information on need-only basis. Further, our employees are bound by Code of Conduct and Confidentiality Policies which obligate them to protect the confidentiality of personal information.
  • We take adequate steps to ensure that our third parties adopt reasonable level of security practices and procedures to ensure security of personal information.
  • We may retain your personal information for as long as required to provide you with services or if otherwise required under any law.
  • When we dispose of your personal information, we use reasonable procedures to erase it or render it unreadable (for example, shredding documents and wiping electronic media).
  • Internet Use – We maintain the security of our internet connections, however for reasons outside of our control, security risks may still arise. Any personal information transmitted to us or from our online products or services will therefore be your own risk. However, we will strive to ensure the security of your information. We observe reasonable security measures to protect your personal information against hacking and virus dissemination.

Update of Personal Information

We strive to keep our records updated with your latest information. To this end, if you see any discrepancy in your personal information or if a part of your personal information changes, we request you to reach our customer service at & communicate the change(s) for updating our records.

In case of non-compliance with the terms and conditions and privacy policy, Centum reserves the right to remove your non-compliant information from its systems. Further, depending on the seriousness of the non-compliance, we may choose to discontinue some or all of the services being provided to you by us.

Cookie Notice

This website uses cookies to improve the user experience and ensure that it is functioning effectively, and on occasion also to provide marketing information or advertise online, either directly or through third-party vendors.

This Cookie Notice is part of Centum Foundation’s Privacy Notice. For more information about Centum, and how it protects your information, please see the Privacy Notice.

Centum may use “cookies” on its website(s). A “cookie” is a type of information that a website puts on your hard drive so that it can remember pieces of information about you when you next visit the website or a related website.

Centum uses cookies to record personal data about you when you use its website in order to facilitate your future activities.
Centum may use personal data sent in a cookie for marketing purposes and will not share this personal data with third parties for their own marketing purposes.

The cookies collect anonymous information including visitor numbers, areas most visited on our website and route to site.

Feedback and Concerns

We are committed to safeguard your personal information collected and handled by us and look forward to your continued support for the same. In case of any feedback or concern regarding protection of your personal information, you can contact us at Alternatively, you may also direct your privacy-related feedback or concerns to the Privacy Grievance Officer whose details are as mentioned below: