As the world is facing serious climate and ecosystem sustainability challenges, consumers around the world are increasingly evaluating the impact that businesses are having on the environment. The Nielsen Global Sustainability report (2015) found that 66% of people said that they would rather happily pay more for products from environment friendly businesses. PwC’s June 2021 Global Consumer Insights Pulse Survey, suggests that half of all global consumers say that despite of economic vulnerabilities posed by COVID, they’ve become even more eco-friendly while making choices and decisions. Multiple market research studies suggest consumers and investors are more and more tracking corporate sustainability reports to make informed long-term decisions.

In response to the changing climate, ecosystem degradation challenges, as well as to the call of changing consumer preferences, front runner companies are working with communities on planet friendly and responsible programs. Who are some such front runner companies and what are some of their inspiring programs? How can companies better engage with multiple stakeholders to work towards greening of the economies? As the world celebrates ‘World Environment Day’, join us as we dialogue with some leading companies in India to understand their perspective on doing business ‘in harmony with nature’.


Biswarup Banerjee

Program Manager, Renewable Energy

IKEA Foundation

Biswarup Banerjee

Biswarup Banerjee, Program Manager, Renewable Energy, IKEA Foundation is working on a variety of projects that address access to renewable energy solutions for last-mile families and communities in India & Africa. He is especially interested in issues focusing on renewable energy finance, market-based access to renewable energy products, and renewable-powered livelihoods across different value chains. In the past, he has worked with the government of India and international non-profits in the areas of water & sanitation, child protection, gender, and education.

Jainee Nathwani

Head - Corporate Social Responsibility

United Breweries Limited

Jainee Nathwani

Jainee Nathwani heads the Corporate Social Responsibility at United Breweries Limited and is a Social Sector Professional with experience across different areas including CSR, Skill Development, Education, Livelihoods, Gender Empowerment, and Rural Development. She holds rich experience across various functional domains including Project Designing, Programme Management of large-scale projects, Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E), Policy Advisory, Business Development, and Social Enterprise Ideation & Development. She holds her masters in Rural Development from IRMA.

Ambika Prasad Nanda

Head - Corporate Social Responsibility

TATA Steel Odisha

Ambika Prasad Nanda

Dr Ambika Prasad Nanda is the head of Corporate Social Responsibility of Tata Steel in Odisha. He is a postgraduate in Analytical and Applied Economics and has done his doctoral studies at J.N.U, New Delhi. He has worked with many international NGOs and has facilitated various research and policy initiatives to deepen democratic governance in Odisha and Jharkhand on issues affecting the lives of the poor and marginalized. He was heading UNDP for Odisha and Jharkhand and also held the position of Member of the State Planning Board, Government of Odisha before joining Tata Steel.
He has six books to his credit and the recent one has been “Development in South Asia: Issues and Challenges- 2021”.

Key Takeaways

  • Learnings on Environment Sustainability programs of companies
  • Potential programs/themes where we can have collaborations
  • How multiple stakeholders are involved in environment and sustainability programs

Who Should Attend

  • CSR Managers
  • Aggregators
  • CSR Implementation Agencies
  • Project Implementing Organizations