As the world is facing serious climate and ecosystem sustainability challenges, consumers around the world are increasingly evaluating the impact that businesses are having on the environment. The Nielsen Global Sustainability report (2015) found that 66% of people said that they would rather happily pay more for products from environment friendly businesses. PwC’s June 2021 Global Consumer Insights Pulse Survey, suggests that half of all global consumers say that despite of economic vulnerabilities posed by COVID, they’ve become even more eco-friendly while making choices and decisions. Multiple market research studies suggest consumers and investors are more and more tracking corporate sustainability reports to make informed long-term decisions.
In response to the changing climate, ecosystem degradation challenges, as well as to the call of changing consumer preferences, front runner companies are working with communities on planet friendly and responsible programs. Who are some such front runner companies and what are some of their inspiring programs? How can companies better engage with multiple stakeholders to work towards greening of the economies? As the world celebrates ‘World Environment Day’, join us as we dialogue with some leading companies in India to understand their perspective on doing business ‘in harmony with nature’.