Climate Mitigation, Adaptation, and Resilience

Climate change poses significant risks to communities and economies globally. Our strategies in climate mitigation focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the promotion of renewable energy sources and energy-efficient practices. Additionally, we facilitate carbon sequestration projects such as afforestation and reforestation to naturally capture atmospheric carbon.

Understanding that climate change impacts are inevitable, our adaptation initiatives aim to enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities, particularly in disaster-prone areas. We invest in infrastructure improvements, community training in disaster preparedness, and the development of climate-resilient agricultural practices, ensuring communities are better equipped to face climate-related challenges.

Biodiversity Conservation

Biodiversity is the foundation upon which we can build back a healthy planet. Our biodiversity conservation efforts are targeted at preserving ecosystems, species, and genetic diversity which are vital for maintaining the balance of the earth. Through protected area management, wildlife conservation, and habitat restoration projects, we seek to halt the loss of biodiversity.

We also engage local communities in our conservation efforts, educating and empowering them to act as stewards of their environment. This includes sustainable land-use practices and community-based conservation plans that ensure long-term benefits for both people and the planet.

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is integral to our environmental strategy. We support projects and innovations that foster economic development while ensuring resource conservation and environmental protection. This includes promoting sustainable agriculture, water resource management, and sustainable urban planning.

Environmental Education and Awareness

Raising awareness and educating people about environmental issues is crucial for long-term sustainability. We conduct workshops, seminars, and campaigns to increase public understanding of environmental challenges and encourage more sustainable lifestyle choices. Our programs are designed to inspire action on environmental conservation and sustainability among individuals and communities.

Green Jobs and Skills Training

As part of our commitment to sustainable development, we focus on the creation of ‘green jobs’ by providing skills training in sectors such as renewable energy, waste management, and environmentally sustainable technologies. These efforts not only help mitigate the environmental impact but also offer new employment opportunities in a growing green economy.

Corporate Environmental Responsibility

We partner with corporations to help them develop and implement CSR strategies that have a positive environmental impact. This includes advising on sustainable business practices, developing green policies, and helping them to achieve their environmental sustainability goals.

Client Speak

Ritesh Kumar Sinha

Group CSR Head

Krishna Maruti Limited

Rajeev Dar

Executive Director (Operations)

NASSCOM Foundation

Shirish Raut

Philanthropies Team


Pratyush Panda

Regional Head CSR, North Region

ACC Limited

Case Studies

Onboarded 500+ final year students as a Young Manager’s (YM) for a leading private health insurance company
Team Management & Customer Service training at one of India’s leading oil and gas companies
Comprehensive training of 2.7 lakh participants for one at India’s flagship national oil company
Accelerating onboarding at India’s largest Telecom Company
Enhancing productivity and efficiency of the employees of a leading Banking & Financial services organization across the nation
Impacted one of the largest paint company in the world through our Influencer Marketing Solutions
Awards and Recognition

Brandon Hall Gold Award for 'Best Initiative for Philanthropy and Corporate Giving', 2023

Brandon Hall Silver Award for 'Best Corporate Outreach to Promote Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Communities', 2023

Excellence in the 'Women Empowerment' category at the '11th World CSR Congress & Awards 2022'

Excellence in the 'Efforts towards building an inclusive world' category at the '11th World CSR Congress & Awards 2022'

Innovations in CSR Practices Award for 'Digital Skills Program‘, 2021

Best Corporate Foundation Award for 'Skill Development Program', 2019

Brandon Hall Gold Award for 'Best Advance in Social Impact Innovation', 2021