In order to manage his survival, Khitesh was in search of job. This was when he got to know about tractor training and got himself enrolled. He was very obedient, disciplined and always present on time. Immediately post completion of training, he has filled his nomination for the job in Bharat Petroleum Company. Fortunately he got selected on temporary basis. He has mentioned in his interview that he took a tractor training and shortly he will get his license. On this, company had assured him that they took him on payroll once he will be having his PL.​

Probably in the coming month of April or May’24, Khitesh will get his PL and hopefully he will get the chance to get on company payroll. It will help Khitesh and his family to secure a sustainable livelihood once he permanent. Centum team has met her mother and she has felt gratitude to Mahindra and Centum Foundation for this wonderful intervention.​